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Real estate agency in Bulgaria

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Property purchase

One of the main goals of Ideal Homes Real Estate Agency is carrying out an effective intermediation in the selection and purchase of real estate.

The activity of our team related thereto is focused on three main objectives:

- The idea for a special individual approach to any customer’s demand/search/;

- Trying to understand their specific needs;

- Performing any statutory and legal actions and services required for the realization of the completion of the deal.

How shall we achieve this?

1. Carefully listening to the customer

2. Understanding the nature of his demand/search/

3. Creating Customer Demand Account based on the criteria pointed out by him. (It is important to note that the purpose of this account is to avoid unnecessary commitment of time and attention with real estate proposals that do not meet customer’s requirements and wishes at the moment of his search)

4. Arranging and performing property viewings with a transport of and at the expense of the real estate agent.

5. Advice and recommendations when choosing a property

6. Assistance with applying for a loan

7. Incorporating companies with the purpose of purchasing properties with land

8. Establishing representation offices of foreign companies in Bulgaria

9. Assistance with visas for citizens of countries outside the EU. (for example Russia)

10. Assistance with issuing of documents necessary to complete the purchase deal

11. Drafting of a preliminary real estate purchase and sale agreement

12. Legal services

13. Accounting services

14. Representation before a Notary public

15. Assisting with the insurance of the property

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